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Library Orientation 6.0

This marks the beginning of my sixth year at The Skokie School Resource Center, and my 33rd year as an educator. I have experimented with various methods to introduce students to our library and its resources, including scavenger hunts with maps, orientations, and slide presentations. I wanted to try something new, exciting, and fun this year. Inspired by articles from other educators and librarians, I decided to focus on key spaces and areas to help students become independent and empowered learners. My AMAZING associate and I identified 16 different spaces to highlight, many of which have subcategories. For example, our fiction section is extensive and has special organizational methods we want students to understand. The non-fiction section is also large, so we aimed to highlight popular areas for students. We created a spreadsheet to organize these spaces and wrote notes for the audio recordings linked to QR codes. The QR codes were placed around the library for students to scan a

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