Summer Reading 2024

Dear readers,

We want you to continue the phenomenal job you’ve done this year reading throughout the upcoming summer.  We have several lists to share with you that are great places to start your summer exploration.  

The first is the 2025 Caudill list.  These books are always popular, and we’ll be pushing them in the fall, so why not get a head start on them over the summer?  We also included two links for great video overviews of the nominees.  

The second two lists are put out by the American Library Association for grades 3-5 and 6-8.  While we realize the second list might be a stretch for some, it has a lot of range for our readers.  

There is also a list of graphic novels that should help you find awesomeness!  We love the Dia list that the American Library Association put together to highlight Día honors the cultures and languages of all children.

Next is a list of ‘notable’ new books, also by the American Library Association for middle-grade readers.  We think there are some amazing fiction, non-fiction, and graphic novels that you are going to love!

The Children’s Book Council has a comprehensive collection of book lists in their Building a Home Library.  There are downloadable PDF lists delineated by age range.  They also shared a spreadsheet with all the books in a searchable format.

Finally, our One Book, One Campus Book for next year is The Canyon’s Edge by Dusti Bowling for the incoming sixth graders (current fifth graders). The incoming seventh graders (current sixth graders) will choose between four of Dusti Bowling’s books to read over the summer. There is a link to the website with tons of great resources to help incoming sixth graders explore the title.  We will welcome Dusti Bowling to our school next year to work with our students!

Be sure to visit the Winnetka Public Library to participate in their summer reading program.  In addition to the fantastic prizes, you’ll get even more recommendations!  You can find the lists at the following links:

(Not all of the Caudill Books will be hosted at Skokie due to the age range; please see the list below for those that will:)

2024-2025 Rebecca Caudill Books Hosted By Skokie

2025 Rebecca Caudill Award Video Introductions (first ten)

2025 Rebecca Caudill Award Video Introductions (last ten)

2024 Summer Reading List Grades 3-5

2024 Summer Reading List Grades 6-8

2024 Dia Book List Grades 3-5

2024 Dia Book list Grades 6-8

Graphic Novel List Grades 3-5

Graphic Novel List Grades 6-8

2024 Notable Middle-Grade Books 

Building a Home Library by Children's Book Council

Happy READing!

Mr. Burleson and Mrs. Roel


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