Sora Stats Around The Country And At Skokie

 Sora Stats Around The Country And At Skokie

The numbers don’t lie – kids are reading more digital books than ever before. This comprehensive assessment of students’ ebook and audiobook reading habits on the Sora platform during the 2022-2023 school year (and beyond) breaks down how often kids are reading, how many books they read, how much time they spent reading – and more.

It is always fascinating to take a look at our empirical data.  I can gauge the interest and enthusiasm for our traditional 'books,' but it is harder to keep tabs on Sora's use.  I need to remember to check the stats much more frequently next year.  

Skokie School followed the same national trend for electronic book usage.  Ebooks were a bit more popular with our readers. One of my missions over the summer is to refresh the entire Sora collection, but I will especially focus on our ebooks.  

I am so proud of our readers.  I have some incredibly exciting programs and activities to share with Skokie students in the fall.  In the meantime, keep reading, exploring, and being Awesome!


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